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Anniversary Edition Next Week When It's Released (Save $500)
Here Is Exactly
How You Can Set Up Simple Affiliate Websites With Funny Clip-Art To Make Money Online From Home From a Guy Who Has Done "Just That" For Over 20 Years
Simple Sites Big Profits 2023 Today
Recent Earnings (Results Not Typical, Implied, Or Guaranteed)

Dear Friend,
Have you ever been in a situation
where you knew something would work, and knew where you wanted
to be, but you felt there was some kind of block stopping you
from making that dream a reality?
That is exactly where I found
myself 19 years ago. I
was extremely broke, with less than $100 in my bank to
start and run my internet business, which I had been working at
for over a year. Not only that but I was going to be a dad (at
21) in less than 4 months.

top it off my car was broke, I had no stable place to live... MY
There were so many different sites and 'scams' telling
me many different things that I had no idea who to trust or what
to do.... it
was so incredibly overwhelming.
I felt lost and completely unprepared... many
times I just sat there depressed wishing someone would just take
me by the hand and show me how the
heck to make this internet business thing work. But no one
would... they all just wanted the money I didn't have.
Despite my painful circumstances, I knew beyond a shadow of a
doubt the internet was a powerful money making tool, probably
the greatest in all of history.
also knew that there had to be some way to make a comfortable
living online... oh sure I read all the ebooks, got the dvd's,
bought the software, and racked up a cool $7,800 in credit card
debt trying to learn this stuff.
It Seemed Like Everything Out There That Was "Supposed" To
Teach Me "How To Make Money Online" was full of Hype, Lies, and
Garbage, you know... nothing that "REALLY WORKED" for "REAL
PEOPLE"... I Felt Completely Stuck... And I Wasn't Making A
Believe me, I understand if you are skeptical, and how
frustrated you may be. We are only at the beginning of this
letter and you've already seen some big claims. And if I were
you id be wondering...
Is This All A Bunch Of Hype Designed To
Get My Hard Earned
are smart to be skeptical.
I wasn't able to personally build these sites, and see the
checks with my own eyes...
I would be skeptical too.
In other words... I know how
you feel...
me it was pretty much impossible to find an easy step-by-step
system I could follow to actually make a decent living online.
might feel the same way. You might feel like everyone teaching
this stuff is just trying to get you to fork over your hard
earned money for a bunch of crap you'll never use.
let me put your mind at ease by pulling back the curtain right
now to show you exactly how this business works, how you can get
involved, and more importantly how you can use the 'Simple Sites
Big Profits' system to put
money in your pockets.
Listen to
the rest of this story to learn
the truth about
how internet marketing works and how you can build simple little websites to profit
online with affiliate marketing...
Back when I was first starting to learn internet marketing I was
working as a magician performing magic shows for kids birthday
parties at about $150 per show. It was fun, but hardly paid the

Here Is
The Picture I Used In My Magic Ads For Birthday Parties
Since the magic shows barely paid my bills... I decided to build
websites on the side for local companies.
So there i was building little sites for limo companies and
local business, and during summer of 2000 I had built a website for a local cigar
company that my brother worked for.
The site was really basic and simple, because at that time I
didn't really know how to build a site,
i'm still not a great web designer, but I knew if I could make it easy to understand and easy for
people to order I would be able to get new customers for this
company and charge them a higher price for the site... a much,
much higher price.
About a month after building this cigar website I noticed that
it was getting ranked on the search engines for the word "cheap
cigars" and people were pouring in daily to order cigars from
all over the country.
site was nothing elaborate - it just gave the users what they
wanted, good cigars at a great price.

that time I didn't even have an expensive web design software...
I built that site with the free version of front page express
that came with windows 98.
Even though it was a simple website built with a free program...
So I started to think... Hey... I'm on to something here!
I began testing my method on many other websites.
Starting with limousine companies and other local companies, I
built simple, easy to understand, websites that gave users
exactly what they wanted based on what they were searching for.
worked like a charm... they ranked on the search engines, made
sales, and the companies were very happy and hired me back often
to get them even more business.
After a while I started to wonder... what
would happen if I made these "Simple Sites"
for myself and took the visitors to affiliate programs, adsense,
and other things that would put money in MY pocket with less
work, no phone calls, and no one to answer to.
started building many different sites in many different markets.
Even markets I knew nothing about, It didn't matter, My job was
to find markets and build sites.
This new venture of mine took off like wildfire almost
immediately... my
first full year as an affiliate marketer I was pulling in over
$500-600 a day in profit.
People Thought I Was Crazy... But I Was Able To Make Money:
The best part about it was that
there were no hard advertising so...
I was running a 90%
killer profit
margin on my simple sites...

This proved to be very lucrative, I was able to get
out of my rut, buy
my first house in
northern California, live
comfortably, and feed
my family well all
while having
fun, taking
vacations whenever we wanted and
hanging out with the family all day.
have been at this for many years.... building
simple little sites,
focusing on what people want, and cashing
my checks like
It wasn't always smooth sailing though.
In 2004 my business almost
completely crashed due to a major change in search engine
algorithms. Taking me from an average of $1000 a day in profit
down to about $150 a day in profit... THAT HURT... BAD!

That crash was only a few months after I had purchased my first
house at age 24... and now had 3 mouths to feed... plus my own.
So I had to do something fast.
Knowing what I knew about direct marketing and website building
(which I am going to teach you) allowed me to bounce back in
just a few months at get back to about $10-15,000 a month in
You Learn How To Become A Good Marketer... You Will Never Be Out Of Work - No Matter How Bad The Economy Gets, How Competitive
The Market Gets, Or How Much The Internet Changes
After that first
little 'speed bump' came my new Simple
Sites Big Profits method
that has been working well for the past nine-ten years... the
principals are the same and the format is the same, but now it
is much easier to get traffic to your simple sites. We still
use a lot of the old methods... just up to date with blogging
and all the new easy fun stuff.
Now you can actually get
traffic to your website in as little as 30-40 minutes and be
making money by the end of the day, and...
Search engines love my sites because they help people find
what they are looking for in a fun and easy to use way
One morning after the "big crash", I woke up rather early and
the kids were still in bed, grabbed a cup of coffee, and decided
to make a simple
little website for
people who search for tattoos online. Over 100,000 people a day
search for tattoos so I thought it would be a good market to
The site was finished before my
2nd cup of coffee got cold... it
only took me 45 minutes to build start
to finish. And by
the time I went to bed that night it was already making money.
Here Are Some Pictures Of That Site
This Site Has
Generated Me As Much As $150 - $300 A Day In Profit
After building this
site I had called a buddy of mine who was also an internet
marketer said...
"DUDE.... I
Going on to explain to him how if I could just make 10-12 of
these sites... I could be pulling in an extra $1,500 a day in
you may have guessed, his reaction was something like this...
"Marcus, It Cant Be That Easy... You Just Got
Lucky... It
Doesn't Work Like That!"
I got kind of upset... WHO WAS HE TO BURST MY BUBBLE!!!
know what I did then?
Yep... You guessed it...
I set out to
prove him wrong
Starting with a simple little
website about mortgages... that one made me $300 a day most of
the time... sometimes as
much as $1700 a day in revenue...
over 60% profit!
Then I set up a simple little website about beta fish... that
one made an average $57
a day in profit and
it was a simple little one page website I
made in about 20 minutes.
It was easier than I ever thought it would be...
made sites for over thirty different subject matters... and like
clockwork... they brought in money... some made just $5 - 10 a day,
some made $100 and some made over $1,000 a day in profit...

gotta be upfront here, it did take some work managing all these
And Obviously The Results
Are Not Typical Implied Or Guaranteed... The Average Would Be
Affiliate Marketer Never Earns Anything... But Some Do Really
Well And I Am Going To Show You What THOSE Ones Do!
But I cant think of anywhere else you can make a great living
from the comfort of your own home setting up little websites
about anything you want and spending just 3-5
hours a week managing
This Is A Fun
And Exciting Industry -
If You Are Willing To Work It

Now here I am 23 years later in 2022 still running my
simple sites, still
making big profit. Still
working from the comfort of my own home and still enjoying
staying home with my family.
We have had some
setbacks... but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

2014, I suffered from a serious mental breakdown alcoholism and
spent a month in rehab and almost a year (behind the scenes in
my business) we still averaged about $25K per month from my
simple sites...

We Even Started A Youtube Channel To Help
People Struggling With Alcohol Addiction... Right Now We Have
Thousands Of People Each And Every Week Watching And Learning
How To Live A Sober Life.

what's the catch?
If this information
is so profitable why in the world wouldn't I lock myself in my
office and build sites for the rest of my life...
Why would I
even bother showing you how to do this business?
First, it takes nothing away from me to let you in on everything
I have discovered over the past 19 years about how to work from
home as an affiliate marketer.
Each person has their own unique outlook and their own unique
way of running this business.
to mention the fact that I could work all day every day and
still not tackle all the niche markets that are available
Secondly... I believe in giving back. I have been blessed by
being able to work
from home and enjoy my life and
I only feel its fair to help others. That is why you will find
my program to be far less expensive than other programs offering
less than half of what you are going to learn in Simple Sites
Big Profits.
Thirdly... I am a business man and I have worked out a deal with
my advertisers to give me a bonus based on what my students
make... it doesn't come out of your check... its a little perk I
get for teaching you and working with you to help
you make money online.
My Incentive Is
To Help You Make A Ton Of Money, So I Get A Bigger Bonus
Just to show you how this works, I taught a few friends of mine
how to do this business and so far they have earned me over
$103,471 in bonus checks. Not to bad for spending a few hours
showing some people how this business works... Just Imagine What
They Made!
now my goal for 2021 is to get more students and teach them thru
my simple sites program and hopefully they will use my
advertisers (since they are the best and pay the most) and Ill
get a nice little kickback. This
is how I can afford to offer you personal support.
you can see my goal here is to be real and transparent with you
and help you learn exactly how you can make
money online from the comfort of your own home.
If You Are Ready To Partner With Me
And Make Money Together
Recently some people have been asking me if this method still
works with the how the economy is, and the way the internet is
always "changing" so I decided to post the results from a simple
site I put up on FEB 19, 2015
Just About A Year Ago...

you can see it took about two days for the site to start gaining
momentum... but then it took off like crazy. Not bad for a
little that only took an hour and a half to build. The cool
thing is that these sites keep
making money month after month with
very little up keep or maintenance.

Check Out How That Site Did Its First
Year Online... And I Only Spent About 3 Or 4 Hours TOTAL
Work Time On This Site....

Having 5, 6, Or Even 10 Sites Like This Brining You In $1,000
Profit Each Month Or More

Here are some actual
screenshots from some of my sites these
have been verified.
New Results In: Simple Bible Verses Blog Does $101.88 In Less
Than 24 Hours

Here Is A Simple Blog Earning Me
Over $1,000 Per Month Passively.

Some Of My Bigger Sites /
Blogs Earn As Much As $21,347 Per Month Or More

So, What Is The
Big Secret To Making These Simple Sites Work?
Simple Sites Work Because They Are Based On
What People Are Searching For Online...
Think about this for a minute... every
single day 100's of millions of people are searching for
something online...
they could be looking for anything from recipes, to new car
prices, to how to tie a necktie. (which is actually looked up
quite a bit)
you have hundreds of millions of people searching... and you
have thousands
of advertisers willing to pay TOP DOLLAR for new customers.
Does This Idea Make Sense To You?
Lets have a little example... Did you know that a simple little
1 minute advertising spot during the super bowl cost millions of
dollars... for one tiny little minute.
So... companies like Coke, Pepsi, and others are using this
minute to try to get as many people interested in their product
SCREEN. All they know is that the people like football.
lets take this to the online world... the chances of me getting
as many people to my site as watch the superbowl are pretty
slim... BUT I can get a much more targeted audience.
Lets have a (hypothetical) example... I'm sure you have all
seen ads on tv for the "Sleep Number Bed."
Again... millions of dollars going out to an untargeted crowd...
oh sure they can advertise at night when the people who cant
sleep are up... but its still a shot in the dark.... no pun
intended :o)
So here you have a company with a huge advertising budget...
what do you do?
Well for one... lots of people every day search for words like
"cant sleep" "sleep apnea" "sleep remedies" and things of that
nature... heck you can even go for words like back pain and eye
Now with these keywords you have a targeted crowd who would
probably be interested in this sleep bed product.... lets say
the maker of the bed is willing to give
you $50 just
for getting someone from your website to get a free sleep DVD
about the sleep number bed. (they probably pay a lot more using
T.V. ads... so this deal would be very
and you don't even have to make the deal... just use the
companies you will find in your kit... they manage hundreds of
programs and do all the dealing for you!)
With A Deal Like That... Do You Think You Could Make Money?
COURSE YOU COULD... and this is exactly
what I have been doing for the past 19 years.
And My
Interactive Tools Show You All The Ins
And Outs Of How This Works So YOU Can Get Paid Fast...
You could even make a site
about sleep tips, run ads for sleep number bed and get paid for
each click... as of writing this the cost per click on those
terms is about $12-19 a click.
That means you could buy the
clicks for "cant sleep" for 10-15 cents... and get them to click
ads for "Sleep Number Beds" paying you up to $12 a click or
course not everyone will click... but imagine
getting $3,4,5 or even $10 a click on
just half the people who come to your site.
Starting to get the
picture of how this whole "Make Money Online Thing" really
This isn't your run of the mill training program that leaves out
the "major" details, and leaves you fending for yourself while
the 'guru' gets rich...
These Are The Real Secrets Of How Thousands Of Every Day People
Just Like You Are Silently Making Fortunes Online Using Direct
Marketing And Search Engine Advertising. You Won't Find This
Info Anywhere Else...
Have A Look
Inside Your Brand New In
Depth Training Program...

As You Can See This Is A Sure Fire Paint By
Numbers System That Will Have You Building Simple Sites For Big Profits In No

Here are the basics of how the 'Simple Sites' system works...
1. Find What
People Search For (I Give You The Tools With Your Kit)
2. Set up
simple sites that give users what they want.
3. While giving
users what they want... run ads that pay you for your
the same thing Oprah and doctor Phil do all the time.
They get peoples interest, make a show, and the advertisers pay
them HUGE...
Why... because advertisers want people to see their ads.
You Can be
the middleman and get paid big for having ads on your sites.
Allow me to illuminate:
Did you know... You
Can Get Paid when
someone clicks on sponsored links?
Did you know... You
Can Get Paid when
someone downloads certain programs?
Did you know... You
Can Get Paid when
someone fills out forms online?
Did you know... You
Can Get Paid when
someone buys something online?
Did you also know... right now
as you read this... huge
companies like
google, yahoo, amazon, clickbank, ebay, and countless of
others arepaying billions of dollar each
year to people just like me and you?
Did you know that right now as
you read this... my personal "Simple Sites" are making me
money... I could be sleeping, playing with the kids, or on
vacation and my "Simple Sites" are making me money
24 hours a day!
you can see there is a lot of money at steak here. The
affiliate marketing industry pays out billions and billions of
dollars to people just like me and you. Normal everyday people
who run simple websites.
But... Until
now it has been pretty much impossible for someone to learn
everything in one program. Sure there are programs out there
that teach some good tips and tricks but...
Most Training
Programs Do Not Teach You The Whole Story...
After watching this industry for over fifteen years I have found
that most other programs don't teach you the whole story. They
may teach you some good tips and tricks but never get into the
whole truth about how to be an internet marketer, how to get
traffic, how to get paid, and how to set up your sites fast.
main thing people dislike about 'training programs' is the fact
that if you ever need help you're pretty much stuck... Most
'Gurus' leave you to fend for yourself.
of the 'nicer' guys will let you purchase coaching for an
additional $1,000 or $2,000 or more.
personal coaching fees alone are well into the $1000's of
Which Is Exactly
Why Simple Sites Big
Profits Is Different
From Anything You Have Ever Seen
This is not just another Ebook or video set:
Obviously there is stuff to read and videos to watch but that is
not all.
Simple Sites Big Profits will not only show you what to do...
but also HOW TO DO IT so
you can effortlessly put this to work for you and build sites
will no longer
have to struggle trying
to get the help and support you deserve, Simple Sites Big
Profits has a BUILT IN support system that allows you to contact
me and my support team via phone, email, and instant messenger.
I ask is that you go thru the course first (most of your
questions will be answered in there)
After you go thru the full program if you have questions, need
help, or want me to look at your sites and review them feel free
to contact me and I will help you.
Is Like Having A 'Friend' In The Business To Help You Get
Started Fast And Kick Info Overload Out Of Your Life Today
Take advantage of this offer Now
I have solved your
biggest problem... You Are Not Alone Anymore You Are About To Get Personal Help From Me Personally...
No More Being 'In The
My Life Mission Is To Help
The Little Guy Get Ahead

You Will
Receive An Instant Download So You Can Start Right Away,
Even If It's 3 Am...
Here is what you'll find in your "Simple Sites Training Program"

Introduction And "My Story" - You Get To See Behind The Scenes
Of My Business!
Chapter 1: Find
out exactly how this whole 'Make Money Online' thing works and
how you can start making money online fast with little or even
no experience
Chapter 2: Learn
exactly how a search engine marketer Makes Money and gets Paid.
You'll discover the best companies that pay the most, and how
you can even get paid weekly
Chapter 3: Discover
exactly how YOU can
become a good marketer so that whatever you do will prosper and
is almost guaranteed to succeed
Chapter 4: Get
the true story on how
to find profitable keywords and markets... this isn't
revealed anywhere else - I show you inside the secret methods I
have used to locate thousands of profitable niches online
Bonus Chapter 1: How
to set up your 'traffic generation' methods and PPC campaigns so
your hard earned money isn't at risk... This could save you from
loosing money on advertising. I even show you some cool ways to
get free traffic
Bonus Chapter 2: Find
out exactly how to read your web stats and find out which ads
are making you the most money... so you can make even more
profit while cutting your costs
Chapter 5: Learn
exactly how to find and evaluate affiliate programs and offers
so you can immediately spot which ones will make you the most
money fast
Chapter 6: Get
my secret tips and tools on where
to find the best offers, best payouts, and find out exactly how
to tell if an offer is worth running. (this will save you
time and money... not to mention getting rid of the frustrations
or finding good programs.)
Bonus Chapter: OK
- I wasn't gonna share this... but I really want you to do well
so... This bonus chapter will teach my secret 'Flipping The
Market' this is good stuff never before revealed - this
is the secret is responsible for making me over $3,000,000
Chapter 7: As
if all that isn't enough... I'm
even going to show you my super simple method so you can start
building websites today without any coding knowledge or special
skills.... plus
I'll show you how to make your site do what its supposed to -
Make Money!
Chapter 8: Learn
how to write ads that will generate tons of traffic, how to
increase the amount of clicks to your site, and how to make sure
when you do pay per click... you only pay for the clicks that
will make you money
Chapter 9: Learn
how to deal with each search engines quality score so you can get
visitors waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than your competitors. (I've
used this to get clicks for less than $0.05 in markets where
people are paying $0.60 - $0.75)
Chapter 10: Find
out my top secret weapon that almost every "GURU" tells you to
stay away from...
this little trick helps me get tons of traffic for pennies on
the dollar... and most of the time this traffic produces more
"profit" than the traditional methods
Chapter 11: Discover
my step by step methods to milking the "FREE
TRAFFIC" from the search engines. (one
of my students used this to make over $300 this week... and it
only took him a few days to set up - its not enough to retire
on... but this little site will make him money day in and day
out without any more work.) Great for those on a budget!
Bonus Chapter: Get
the truth about how to make money with adsense and content
networks, learn how to supplement your affiliate revenue with
highly targeted content pages... I've used this to make as much
as $9 per click on some sites where I was only paying $0.30 per
click to get them on my site.
Bonus Chapter: Don't
get stuck in the same trap that so many other marketers are
stuck in... "having a site that doesn't convert." Use this 15
step guide to judge each site you build and make sure you are on
the right path to turning a profit.
Bonus Chapter: Tired
of all the programs that make you work and work and pay and pay
without seeing one single dime? - I am actually going to show
you how to "Earn
While You Learn" so
you can turn a profit without becoming an "Expert." My
philosophy is to start doing something and perfect it later so
you can see results right away.
Bonus Chapter: How
To Avoid Information Overload And Lack Of Motivation -
Is information overload stopping you from making money? This
chapter and video will help you deal with this problem so you
can take a deep breath and finally say "I GET HOW THIS WHOLE
THING WORKS" then take action and generate some revenue.
Think of this as the last "internet marketing course" you will
ever need to buy, not only am I going to teach you everything
you need to know right now today, but as the internet changes
and evolves I will be updating the videos in the program and you
will get all this information FOR FREE!
Update This Program All The Time As I Receive More Questions And
Have Newer Updates For You.

Simple Sites BONUS Content:
You'll learn how to build simple sites really easily... even
if you have no computer experience at all
You'll see live examples of my profitable websites so you
can get a head start and see what REALLY works online... so
you can profit even faster
You'll get simple little tips
and tricks that are responsible for making me thousands and
thousands of dollars... you can put these to work for you in
seconds to increase your profits
You'll watch as I evaluate
markets right in front of your eyes
You Will Get To See how
I find the cheap 3-5c clicks
You'll get to witness as I show
you how to turn
those cheap clicks into fat dollar bills
You will see live
screenshots of my simple sites
You will see the tools I use to
build my sites
You will get the same web templates that I use to make my
own simple sites
Find out exactly how to get paid
and what to sell or offer on your websites
and much much more...
Simple Sites Easy To Follow Step By Step Video
Niche Market Secrets Video:
You will find out how easy it is to locate profitable niches
online, this is information you wont find on other websites, and
is responsible for generating me millions of dollars in revenue!
(most people fail because they don't get this one right... this
video will show you the right way to find a profitable market so
you will be successful right from the start)
Keyword Secrets Video:
Discover 6 unique ways to find out what people are searching
for, how to use my secret 'trigger words' to locate super
profitable markets, 3 ways to find out who really wants your
offer, how to use long term words, trends, and high profit
converter words so you can profit from your campaigns right from
the get go. (this is an eye opening video for most struggling
marketers and is responsible for helping my friends and students
generate some hefty paychecks)
Profitable Conversion Secrets Video: Find
out exactly how to find top converting affiliate offers for your
niche markets so you can focus only on the campaigns that will
make you profit. The right offer can make all the difference,
and I am going to show you exactly how to choose a profitable
campaign, where to get the offers, how to get pay raises, how to
get paid weekly, and much more.
How To Find And Pick The Right
Affiliate Offers Video:
Your success online all boils down to pairing the right offers
with the right market and delivering the right message. This
video is going to teach you EXACTLY how to calculate whether or
not an offer will be profitable based on your cost to get
visitors, the payouts on the offer, and your estimated
conversion rates. (this will make it super easy to pick a
winning campaign and test your offers fast.)
Flipping The Market Video: OK....
I didn't really want to give this little secret away. This is
the one responsible for helping me find a $2,000,000 niche! You
are going to learn how to secretly look inside these 'junk
keywords' that most marketers laugh at... and see the profit
potential. (I'll leave it at that for now... you can learn the
rest in the video... this stuff is super powerful)
How To Build A Site Video: Get
ready to learn my super simple method to building simple
websites in minutes without having to learn some fancy code
language, HTML, or anything like that. If you can use Microsoft
word, write an email, or browse the web... I GUARANTEE you can
learn to build sites. This is the super easy website building
shortcut I have used to build websites for over 15 years now.
This video has tips for super beginners and even advanced web
Ad Writing Tips And Tricks Video: Learn
how to write ads that will get tons and tons of targeted traffic
to your website. Learn to write ads that will get you cheaper
clicks and a better quality score.
Search Engine Ghost Video: Discover
the 5 things you can do to get cheaper clicks. This one method
alone has allowed my to generate millions and millions of
website visitors for just a few pennies each. Just imagine how
much you can make getting your traffic for less than the
Quality Score Video: Here
is a cool video teaching you how you can give the search engines
exactly what they want so you can get your advertising really
really cheap.
Content Traffic Video: Get
ready to learn one of my biggest secrets... this will take a
small little niche and turn it into a HUGE money maker for you.
(other programs don't teach this method... but I lay it out for
you as plain as day so you can learn how to profit online with
very little risk)
Arbitrage Secrets Video: Learn
how you can start playing with the big dogs. I'm sure you've
heard the reports of people making $5, $10, $20 or even $50,000
a day with this method. Now I cant promise you will make THAT
much... but i can pull back the curtain on this secret industry
that is making many people really really wealthy... not to
mention the fact that I was able to have a few $5,000 days with
Make Money While You Learn... Even If You
Are Broke Video: Are
you tired of having to put more and more money into your
business without seeing any type of return? Well you are in
luck because I am going to show you the secrets that will help
you make money while you learn. If it wasn't for these tips...
I would never be where I am today because I would have never
learned how to leverage myself and my time profitably. Find out
how you can start this business with little or even NO money!
List Building Video: Learn
how you can easily build a mailing list so you can make profits
all year round without having to pay for traffic. I have used
this technique to make over $200,000 last year alone. You don't
want to miss this one. (the fortune is in the follow up... and
I'm gonna show you how to follow up automatically so you can
make money 24/7)
Profit Centers Video: Get
ready for the ride of your life. Not only am i going to show
you my private list of affiliate offers that have made me tons
of money, but i am also going to show you what they want so you
can get accepted and start making money with them in just a few
hours. This has been the key to my success. Ill show you how
to get paid when people click ads, fill out forms, download free
programs, get free samples, order products, and more... with
this information and these offers its almost impossible to fail.
Traffic Secrets Video: You
are going to learn the secrets to getting traffic to your
website. I'll show you the best ways to get free traffic, paid
traffic, traffic from social networking sites like youtube,
myspace, craigslist, google, yahoo, msn, aol, and more. There
are millions and millions of sites getting free traffic every
day... once you learn these secrets... you will be one of them.
Action Video: While
other programs are static and never give you a "game plan" I am
here to help you. You are about to learn the simple steps to
getting your site online and turning a profit fast... Get
started now and get a free personalized action plan so you can
get started fast and actually know exactly what you need to do
to start making money online. This will help you deal with
Information Overload so you can get a crystal clear view of what
steps you need to take to start making money online fast.

Simple Sites Case Studies - Yes
You Actually Get To See The Sites, The Keywords, How Much I Bid,
How Much I Made, And More!
Case Study #1 -
go inside the "Tattoo site" mentioned above as it went from
losing $8 a day to making $50-60 a day to eventually making
over $300-500 per day with just a few minor adjustments
Case Study #2 -
Check out my beta fish site, how it works, how I even
thought to do a site on beta fish anyway. this is powerful
take to the bank information you are going to have at your
Case Study #3 -
you get to be a fly on the wall as I dissect my mortgage
site that was responsible for making over $1700 in revenue
in one day and averaged over $500 per day the rest of the
Case Study #4 - you get to peek
inside a site where I actually get paid to generate a
mailing list for... myself... that means I can keep making
money off them without having to get any more traffic :)
Plus You Get My
Simple Sites Big Profits Desktop Software.
My Easy To Read
Manual, Colorful Icons, And Energetic Videos Help Make Your
Learning Experience Fun Which Will Allow You To Learn Without
The Frustration Of Hard To Understand Technical Details And
Unclear Directions...
Basically I Am
Going To Show You What To Do, How To Do It, Plus Make It Fun And
So You Can Start Making Money Online In No Time...





What Was It Worth To Them... What Is YOUR Time
It's Incredibly Easy To Get
Started With Me Today
Just Click The Button...
Fill Out The Form...
And DOWNLOAD The Software
I Realize Other Programs Out
There Are Charging $5,000, $10,000, Or Even $25,000 To Get
Started... But I Have Made It Super Easy For You To Decide Now.
Here Is What I'm Hooking You Up With Today

This Is The Same Stuff That Made Me Over $7,917,221 PERSONALLY
It's Incredibly Easy
To Get Started Just Click The Button

Marcus, What Do I Need To
Know Before I Get Started?
1. What Kind Of Budget Do I Need
To Start With?
After getting simple sites we
recommend that you have at least $80-100 to start with web
hosting and other items you may need along the way... you can
use your current hosting if you wish.
2. Can I Host Multiple Sites On
One Hosting Or Do I Need A Bunch?
As long as you have a host that
supports multiple domains per account (usually a shared account
you can get for a few bucks a month will do) this will allow you
to host 20-30 simple sites :-) on one account.
3. What About Domain Names... Do
I Need A New Name For Each Site?
You will want to get a new domain
name for each category site ie: fitness, mortgages, ect... you
can however have multiple fitness type sites on one domain.
4. Do I Need A HUGE Pay Per Click
Nope not at all... actually we
start very small and increase our budget only after seeing some
results. You can usually test a new site with less than $30 and
many times if you follow our directions you will at least break
even or even make something on the test... and on top of that we
show you how to get over $200 in free PPC ad coupons with your
new site set up... so you can test your new ads "on the house"
5. How Much Time Per Day Should I
Dedicate To Simple Sites To Be Successful?
We recommend 15 - 30 minutes per
day actively working on specific tasks (found in your daily task
guide) to start seeing results. Keep in mind your work will add
up over time to big numbers so you can start making even more
daily even when you are not working. However you can work as
much as you like :-)
6. How Fast Can I Start Seeing
This is a lot like the "how much
can I earn" question... it really depends on you as a person,
the work you put into it, and how focused you are. With that
said there are ways to start earning starting today if you
really want to... you just need to focus and work at the things
that get results.
Remember 90% of this business is
mindset... you must focus on the fact that people are always
online, they are always searching, and someone is gonna make
money today.. might as well be you :-)
7. Is The Whole Idea To Run 1,000
Sites That Make $1 A Day Each?
While this can work... it simply
gets to be a bit much to handle for anyone ;) I would focus more
on starting with 3-5 sites... watch which ones have potential
and build them up. Some of your simple sites may do a few bucks
a day, some $27 a day, some may do 100s or 1000s per day... the
key is to let the little ones make their money while you work at
making the big ones even bigger. Its much easier to take a site
from $10 to $100 a day than it is to build new ones. So focus
more on building the ones you have rather than just making as
many as possible. My simple sites software will show you how to
nurture a site to massive profits pretty fast...
You Can Get Simple Sites
10 Year Anniversary Edition And Start Today... Just Sign Up Then Get Marcus On
Live Chat And Say "Show Me The Instant Profit Methods"
And I'll Show You What You Can Do To Profit TODAY :-)
WHY Simple Sites Is Better Than Anything
You Have Ever Seen Before...
We Hold Your Hand Every Step
Of The Way And Guide You To Profit.
Marcus's Interactive Tools
Show You All The Ins And Outs Of How YOU Get Paid.
Huge Upside With Very Little
Potential Downside... $997 is nothing Compared To What My
Serious Students Earn In A Day!
In Depth Training Program
Guides You Thru EVERYTHING With Nothing Left Out And No Chance
Of Info Overload If Followed In Order.
This Is A Sure Fire Paint By
Numbers System That Brand New Internet Users Have Used To Make
Small Fortunes In A Super Simple Way.
Once This Transaction Is
Done... After Taxes And Fees And Everything... I Can Barely Get
A Basket Of Groceries... Look... I'm Not Getting Rich Here. But
This Information When Used Properly Could Change Your Life.
Warning: The
Biggest Regret My Students Have Is That You Didn't Call Me Six
Months Ago And Get Started Then... Don't Miss Out... This Will
Not Be Around Forever...

Imagine If You Listened To Me 10 Years Ago
When I First Started Teaching
START SIMPLE - Find A Niche And Test Some

Stop Digging Thru The Other
Marketers Leftover Garbage... And Go For Totally Untapped Niches
At $20 -
$30 Per Sale... You Can't Even Break Even ! ! !
Don't Get Me Wrong... People ARE Making Money In These Niches...
BUT The Vast Majority Of Newcomers Just
Make Google More Rich, And The Owner Of The Product Rich...
This Is The Real Deal... I've been Doing This Almost 20 Years
Now And The FIRST Domain I Got For My Business Is STILL Our
Support Site

Affiliate Search Box Plugin Included With Blog Profit Network
We created tools like the
search box above. That one is directly responsible for
hundreds of thousands in revenue. We made a dropdown box.
I recently tested (march 2013) this on my lotto numbers blog
and it made over $1,319 in just a few days.

Ez Tracker Drop Box Plugin
Included With Blog Profit Network Membership
We even made a little
plugin that helps you build a mailing list.

Squeeze Blogs Prof Plugin
Included With Blog Profit Network Membership
It was important that
these plugins be made by me. Not some auto generated, get
you banned from google crap. Not some lame untested plugin
by a marketer who only sells crap to other marketers. This
needed to be based on real world stuff in niches that have
nothing to do with clickbanks, adwords, or anything.

Check Out The
Killer Click Thru Rates We Are Getting With This
Here Is
One I Tested On BlogProfitNetwork.com�

A Killer
89% CTR On Over 1000 Clicks!!!
Check Out
Those Ads� PLUS I Can See What My Market Wants Most :-)

Over 70%
CTR TOTAL� Compare With Industry Averages of 1-3%
Line� You Need To Convert Your Clicks And Figure Out
What Your Market Wants� FAST!
Here Are
Some More Stats For Ya�
This Is A
Screenshot From Paid Traffic For The Generic Term
�football� And We Got A WHOPPING 43% CTR

Here Is
One I Run On The Footer Of My site (normally you
would be lucky to get like 0.3% CTR) I�m Getting
Over 7%

And this
is stuck way down at the bottom of one of my plugins�
(Smart Affiliate Ads $47 Value)

Blogs Pro Converts Your Blog Into A Lead Getting
Machine And More... ($77 Value)

Campbell -
Making Money Online Since July, 2000
Copyright 2021 PC Money Making LLC
Disclaimer: To
the best of my knowledge the information contained
in this book and videos is true and accurate. We
cannot guarantee that you will make money using
these principals it is possible you may even lose
money. . Please use discretion when marketing
online and contact a lawyer for any legal advice.
This is a training product... not a business
opportunity. We are not responsible for how you
decide to use this information. The Sites And
Examples Referenced In This Website And In The
Simple Sites Program May Not Be Producing The Same
Results, May Not Be Making Money, Or Even Be Running
At The Time You Are Reading This. Some of the tools
recommended in this program are affiliate offers and
we may be making commissions for referring you.
Marcus only recommends the tools he actually uses
and feels you can benefit from.